Ask other
Dear Koga,
If you hate to make promises, why do you always keep
promises for Kagome?
Dear Kayame,
She's an acception....
Dear Jakotsu,
Do you love Inuyasha?
Dear Kitkotsu,
Of course! who doesn't! ^_^
Dear Kagome,
When where you born?
Dear Inuyashagirl,
A long time ago....
Dear Kouga,
Why do you love Kagome EEEWWW Anyway,you promised to mary AYAME!!!!!
Keep your promise, besides you 2 look super cute together!! love ya!! Amber
Dear Amber,
I dont want to! I hate promises!
Dear InuYasha,
If you were in a lifeand death situation and Kagome and Kikyo
were hanging over a volcano. Who would you save? P.S. You can only save ONE!!!!!
Dear Yura, umm i guess i'll
chose Kagome, only cause shes still alive.
Dear Ayame,
Will you continue to chase after Koga?
Dear Yura,
I will forever be after him ^_^
Dear Koga,
GET A LIFE!! You can't get Kagome so just forget about it. Could you
just go for Ayame?
Dear Yura,
No kagome is mine! Ayame wines to much...
Dear Naraku,
I think you're really hot and will you ever let Kagura
go free?
Dear Yura,
Why thank you, and no...
Dear Bankotsu,
I love you sooooo much!!! Are you and Jakotsu brothers?
Dear Yura,
Yeah unfortunatly....
Dear Koga,
You and Ayame are good for each other NOT you and Kagome. Am I right?
Maximilliam Pegasus
Dear Maximilliam Pegasus,
No Kagome is mine! Humans dont understand we are different from you, I claimed
her first!
Dear Shippo,
Why are you such an annoying LITTLE Fox? And why you're always like:"Kagome,
InuYasha hit me!" And that's why you're an annoying Fox!
Dear Markstar,
I'm not annoying! and I like getting inuyash in trouble teehee. ^_^
Dear Sesshomaru, Eh? Dont take this the Worng way... What is worng with Humans? I know you hate
your brother and Other People... But... Humans. I know you Think They are useless.. But Some Humans Are Not Useless....
I Maybe a Gothic. But Hey.. I Hate Peps...... Agh! They Think They are better Then Anyone is This World.... oh well.....
The World is Full of Them I have to Live with it..... Ahh!! i am late! *Runs Off* later! ~Gothic Princess
Dear Gothic Princess,
Why? beacuse they are stupid insolet beings that don't understand the meaning
of life....they don't know how good they have it till its gone..that is why.
Dear Inuyasha,
Inuyasha you are one of the most sexiest men alive.So if you ever dont have
some one to do come to me.I love you so much.But i have one question to ask you.WILL YOU DO ME ALL OVER IN THE BED OR ON THE
FLOOR WHATEVER YOU PREFERE.But as you can see this is undying pure love.And if kagome gets jealous i dont care cause me and
you will have inuyame so you can do me all night long love ya bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love,inuyasha
Dear Inuyasha lover,
Umm your little fantasy ain't gunna happen k?
ps"we have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Dear Kagome
Have you and inuyasha ever done it befor if so what is your babys name?
Miroku lover
Dear Miroku Lover,
OMG! no we havent!!
Dear Kanna,
Do you ever talk?
Dear Inuyashafan,
Dear Kagura,
Why do you want to be free from Naraku's grasp?
Dear Kagurafan,
i am the wind, the wind is always free. And because he's always threatining
to kill me.
Dear Naraku,
Do you love Kikyo and why do you want to be powerful?
Dear Lianne,
Well you see I never loved her, it was this wreched human Onigumo that
loved her, unfortunatly I have his heart so....well you get the picture. Why do I want to be powerful? Umm....well, actually
that's a very good question, I don't know...hmmm, now I'll be thinking about it all day, thank you!
Dear Inuyasha,
Are you jealous when Koga says lovely things about Kagome?^_^ Oh one other
thing when is your birthday?
Dear Inuyashagirl,
Jealous?! Feh...why would I be jealous, there is no reason, I just don't like
Koga...cause...cause I don't! Oh and my birthday is September 20 th.
Dear Kikyou,
If you love Inuyasha,why do you try to hurt him?I'm a fan of yours but that's all
Dear Lynn,
I want revenge on what happened to me, I wnat him dead but at the same time I want
him to be with me, come with me to the depths pf the earth and be eternally happy toghether.
Dear Inuyasha,
Do you love Kagome or Kikyo more? (I would chose Kagome- wink)
Dear Sharon,
Love Kagome......................................Kikyo? Ummmm well I did make my mind up earlier, and I choose
Kikyo, right? But ah damn, I'm confusing myself. Feh whatever. Oh yea I'd chose Kagome.
Dear Kagome,
Do you want Inuyasha to love you? You can tell he likes
you, especially by what he said in the movie. Kikyo betrayed him so you are his last hope.
Dear Ashlee_Anime,
Do I want him to love me? Well I guess, kinda, but he still loves Kikyou,
besides even if I did want him to love me I could'nt force him so I'd just be hurting myself. True Kikyou did betray him but
I don't know if he still has feelings for her or not, you'll have to ask him.
Dear Inuyasha,
If you love kagome why dont you show her ? If you dont show her in time she
just might forget about you and pay more attention to kouga and you're going to lose her forever so make your move
before is to late!
Dear ali_inuyashalover,
Show her how I feel?! Feh, I never show my feelings to anybody. And as for
Kagome going with Koga, ha...dont make me laugh, she'd never go with him.