Ask Sango
dear sango,
why do u love miroku? he is such a lech...he is hot though...if you dont really love him, i will
take him...he is so hot!
Dear Sango
What is the most embrassing momet of your life?????
From Your #1 Fan,
Dear #1 fan
Umm most embarissing? Well I'd have to say its when I blush infront
of Miroku.
Dear Sango,
Do you really and truely love Miroku?
Dear Dartz,
Love? well yes I think so..but don't tell him ok? (wink)
Dear Sango,
Do like when miroku touches you?^_^ (wink)
Dear Sango #1fan,
Of course not!
Dear Sango,
When is your birthday?^_^
Dear Lianne,
My birthday is on October 3rd.
Dear Sango,
When Miroku flirts with other girls why dont you just pull him by the ear and drag
him away?
From Amber P.S.- I so wish i were you
Dear Amber,
If I did that then it would look like I actually have feelings for him,
and I don't want to show him that.
Dear Sango,
When (If) you defeat Naraku and get Kohaku back what
are you going to do? If Miroku doesn't ask you first are you going to ask him to marry you? (I would. You don't
always have to do it the traditional way, and Miroku's not that much of a pervert when he is around you.) :)
From Gabby
Dear Gabby,
Definetly when we defeat Naraku and get Kohaku back,I'm not sure what I'm
going to do after though.....Ask Miroklu?! Miroku ask me?! umm well i don't think that'll happen....
Dear Sango,
What's it like being a demon exterminator?
Dear Sango,
Do you think Inuyasha is cute?
Dear Karmie,
INUYAHSA?!!!!!!!! Wh-Why would you ask that? He's like a brother to me, I
don't think I could ever look at him like that.
Dear Sango,
Who's your love interest?
Dear Kay,
Love interest?Hmmm, well I'm really not quite sure. I do like
Miroku, when he's not being a perv, but that's almost never so, I don't know.
Dear Sango,
Do you really love Miroku?Enough to marry him?
Dear kaggy909,
Ok, Miroku is an annoying lech, and to answer your question
no I don't love Miroku. The lech thing basically sums it up.
Dear Sango, What do you think about Sesshomaru having a human girl???? Sangoswolf
Dear Sangoswolf,
Well I don't really know much about Sesshomaru, but I think it's
interesting yet strange seeing him, of all people, having a human child as a companion.